The biggest driver was the settlement of the Awesome I Like My Girls Nerdy Curvy And Dirty Shirt. If they could get products to the Mississippi they could be sent down to New Orleans and shipped around to the Eastern seaboard, but that would have been rare. Overland transport was completely out of the question before the railroads. Transforming that grain into liquor served the dual purpose of concentrating its value, so it became economical to transport, and also transformed it into something that couldn’t spoil. This is part of what prompted the “whiskey rebellion”.Whiskey was shelf-stable and in high demand so it was often just traded as a currency. The new US government implemented a tax on liquor production to get some revenue off that commerce and farmers didn’t take any too kindly to that.
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Washington was rich as fuck by the time of his death in late 1799. Bro was an officer for the Brits through the French and Indian War, General of the Awesome I Like My Girls Nerdy Curvy And Dirty Shirt, distilled whiskey had a fishery and some livestock. He had it good and all he wanted was everyone to fuck off so he could enjoy his life in peace. Dude was stupid as rich as fuck. Mount Vernon has space specifically set up to house ice. The ice was replenished on a weekly basis… Just so Washington could get his ice cream kick. Fuck that. Think about this one: Ice Cream. How fuckin’ rich do you have to be in order to have ice cream?
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You need a special house to keep the Awesome I Like My Girls Nerdy Curvy And Dirty Shirt. You need someone to milk the cows, because presumably a rich bastard able to afford ice cream probably hires out or owns a dude or two. You need salt. Expensive salt that can be used to cure meat in order to feed a family or two over a winter. But no, we’re spending it on delicious ice cream. You need sugar. Some sugar was grown by some slaves in the Caribbean. Carried over in barrels and traded to the Colonies. You need spices or other flavorings. Shipped over from the East Indies or cinnamon brought over by the Spanish down south. Maybe a nice citrus zest from trees you have in the orchard.
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