And dodge his way out of Good Slash Welcome To The Jingle Christmas Jumper Shirt them. He’s a draft dodger, doesn’t pay taxes, seriously people what more do you need to wake up and see we have the most UNDESERVING, UNCARING for a president. There is literally rioting in the streets because of his lack of leadership, and now we have proof that he literally does not support the government that HE CONTROLS. HOW CAN WE SPELL THIS OUT FOR Y’ALL? I’m so sick of his supporters saying he’s smart to cheat. It’s still cheating. You the average American paid more than a “billionaire”. Forsake. They tell us an extra $600 is too much but this can screw with the tax code and force the govt to pay for them to provide him secretly.
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Service at mar a lag? He is legit Good Slash Welcome To The Jingle Christmas Jumper Shirts screwing us. That’s it full stop. Another common deductible expense for all businesses is legal fees. The I.R.S. requires that these fees be “directly related to operating your business,” and businesses cannot deduct “legal fees paid to defend charges that arise from participation in a political campaign. Yet the tax records show that the Trump Corporation wrote off as business expenses fees paid to a criminal defense lawyer, Alan S, who was hired to represent Donald Trump Jr. during the Russian inquiry. Investigators were examining Donald’s role in the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians.
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