I used to go trick or treating in Scotland in the 80s. My brother since Grinch Merry Fucking Christmas 2020 Shirt did it in the 70s. It’s not really seeped over from America (Samhain started in Scotland and Ireland. It went to America from here) but it definitely has become more commercialized. Which I think has come from the US. I want to point out the differences- you would earn a treat by performing a song or reciting a poem at each house- no tricks. Also, you would have cut your hands up earlier trying to carve a face in a raw turnip. Even the “original” Halloween was very different. The lanterns were turnips in Europe. Bonfires were a thing originally, as was yelling and singing.
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I was a kid until the age of like 16 and I’m in Nice Grinch Merry Fucking Christmas 2020 Shirts in my late 20s now. there were like 10-15 of us that used to go street by street in our group. Same in Belgium. I’ve never ever gone trick or treating as a kid, but over the last decade or so Halloween has become a much bigger event than. I remember from my childhood. There’s definitely spooky decoration everywhere and dress-up parties, but going door to door for candy is very rare and very recent. We have another holiday (3 kings, somewhere early January). My point is that the Holiday, that shops are trying to ram down our throat, with the pumpkins and dressing up in spooky outfits.
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