I think of all these people, like this lady, Mr. Fauci, and hundreds of others, doctors, nurses, scientists… They worked all their life, they know what they’re talking about, if they’re not prepared for this virus in particular, their experience and knowledge are essentials to fight it. For some of them, it may be the Pretty Shane Dawson Black Face Shanaynay Portrait Shirt. And yet, they have to deal with people “in charge” who are so ignorant of the matter. It’s Trump in this video (and in a looooooot of other shits he said), but there’s more of them, in USA (like the fucking Flu Klux Klan), in Brasil, and surely in other countries. It must be so frustrating, infuriating, and depressing to have to sit next to these morons and just try to smile when hearing nonsense like this. Poor guys.
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This is the same issue with a lot of scientific things (from whether the earth is a globe to medicine) and a lot of people do not know how to rationally figure out the validity of a Pretty Shane Dawson Black Face Shanaynay Portrait Shirt. Sagan continued by saying that it puts the US in this bizarre place where we have people who use modern technology but believe in superstitions. We are hurtling forward into the future, all while slowly sliding back into the 13th century. He was correct when he wrote it then, and it seems to be getting more so over time. not literal tools like information resources, but things like a framework of how to think critically and understand the importance of examining evidence, etc.
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I’m really surprised there are even any actual experts left around Trump. This job is not worth the Pretty Shane Dawson Black Face Shanaynay Portrait Shirt. The people “in charge” or not just ignorant. Ignorance can be cured with education. Trump is too stupid to grasp fundamental basics (like disinfectants are poisonous) or to learn anything from what all these medical specialists are saying in front of him, let alone briefing him on. This was the record scratch moment for me. I’ve been laughing for the past four years but I’ve reached my limit. I want off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride. Our president might actually be profoundly retarded. Like not the insult ‘retarded’ but actual short bus special.
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