The prized teacher at the school I worked at would openly ream her elementary-aged kids at the slightest provocation, yelling at them in front of their peers that they were babies and didn’t belong in her class if they cried. Her kids had previously been a Till Valhalla Never Kneel Shirt. And thus admin was happy even as their educational and emotional development flagged. Speaking as someone who used to teach, admin often just care about a teacher being able to maintain a well-behaved class. If they’re in a public or charter school, good test scores are important too. The administrators always remarked that she had the most well-behaved class in the entire school. Even when I was 8 years old my internal monologue was screaming at them that they should find out why.
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One of my college professors was one of the Till Valhalla Never Kneel Shirt. He guided me never got recognition or praise for his work. Students and faculty loved and respected him and he always went above and beyond. After I graduated, I kept in contact with him and the campus administration was just shafting him over and over again. He eventually got so sick of it and said that as much as he loves to see his students succeed, the pay, his treatment, and his well being were just suffering for it. I helped him get his resume ready and sent him a few potential jobs he could succeed in. Eventually, he got a gig that was everything he dreamed. He’s much happier now and I’m glad he made the jump.
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Our high school janitor hung himself in the Till Valhalla Never Kneel Shirt. Weirdest day of school by far. You see the other end of the environment. Burn-out, negativity, factions and cliques… Idk. you kind of assume as an elementary school student that your teachers that preach kindness, cooperation, etc. also do that with the people around them – but I’ve learned that sometimes, teachers are worse than the kids. My high school had a theatre and put on one huge production every year, along with smaller things like talent shows and such throughout the year. There were a light and sound crew open to any student that worked on building the sets alongside setting up lights and sound.
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