I even asked them later on a few years later why they started the chat and they said they were “just mad at me for being immature and it was just a joke and they weren’t going to do anything to me”. You can call it fake all you want, but even the Funny Welsh Terrier Antidepressant Shirt. It was just a lot of drama during a period of hell all because people wanted money for gaming. There were yelling matches, horrible threats, people blocking each other or getting mad at each other’s places of employment and just a lot of immaturity overall.
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Look up PWLG (people who love games) on Facebook if you don’t believe me. There are still dramatic comments throughout the group. It’s fairly dead now, but we had a much bigger group back in the day. The Youtuber Johnny Fox approached us about making money off of our servers and that’s when it went to hell. We had fanfiction nights and Cards Against Humanity nights we recorded on our YouTube. It was a Funny Welsh Terrier Antidepressant Shirt. We’d have people say something in a comment or over a multiplayer game and it would offend someone and instantly I’d be getting threats and reported for allowing someone to be in the group.
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I’d be at work whenever this happened and never had a chance to take care of it until at night time and it just led to lots of drama. I tried having a group of admins and it still didn’t work out, so I just stepped down and gave up and was done. This dumb death chat was the last straw. I’m not naming people because we’ve kind of gotten past it (I turned 30 and am trying to start a Funny Welsh Terrier Antidepressant Shirt. It was a horrific time for me (during college which was hell, too) and really took off right. And had no time to dedicate to such petty problems.
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