You ask about all these Nice Daddy Of Girls Outnumbered Shirt. In the case of Mr. Arbery, I’d say he kind of brought it upon himself by rushing a man holding shotgun circumstances leading up to it aside from that just isn’t a bright idea period. Odds are had he stood there until the police arrived he would have walked away none the worse for wear or at the worst been brought to the police station. He decided to force the issue and made a stupid decision that leads to his death.
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Ah yes, burning down houses and cars, blaming it on Nice Daddy Of Girls Outnumbered Shirt. I’ve made it clear that if it was an armed revolt against the government, I wouldn’t have as much of an issue with it. But it isn’t. And so I don’t have to think about it? I have family in Minnesota and it’s already gotten to the point where my uncle has had to fire a few shots just to keep his business unscathed so he can pay rent. Fuck the police, fuck the morons who destroy livelihoods, fuck everyone that’s instigating and propagating this bullshit.
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I believe that I read all of the Nice Daddy Of Girls Outnumbered Shirt. There is no proof that the undercover police nor any white supremacists are starting these riots. Although there are definitely undercover police in these protests, there is no evidence that they started anything. I do believe that the protests are justified (with the exception of the violent ones) but I believe that this post is just trying to take any blame of violence off protesters and throwing it on officers and supposed white supremacists.
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